Cheese is certainly an acquired taste. If you, however, love cheese and especially parmesan, there’s nothing like a visit to Parma’s regionally renowned cheese producing farm. This popular venue is a haven for cheese lovers and enthusiasts alike. Whether for family vacations or foodies’ gatherings, this fully functional farm in Parma is simply unique at every turn. With lavish and elegant B&B accommodations to a fully course breakfast, the agriturismo truly captures the allure and essence of agrarian Italy. As part of your package, you and your loved ones will see the magic behind Parmesan production. There is also a Balsamic vinegar tasting tour, along with a gourmet lunch and cured meat tasting courtesy of Parma’s top ham producer.
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The Tour
With the help of the owner who will do a guided tour, foodies will simply love visiting the local dairy and cheese producing farm. Upon arrival, guests will meet the farm producer for itinerary and map details. As a fully operational farm, the location in Parma continues to soar in regional popularity. In fact, the farms are a great alternative to pricey and over priced hotels. Whether travelling for business or pleasure, your 2 night tour is guaranteed to be entertaining and educational. From tantalizing tasting tours to mouth watering farmer style breakfasts, what better way to enjoy Mother Nature than at Parma’s top dairy farm? If you love cheese and parmesan, this trip will truly meet your needs within time and budget.
The Parma Farm
The Parma Farm stays and visits are organised by Emiliza Delizia. As one of the most visited countries in the world, Italy has so many foodie’s things to see, do and eat. Whether you love fine wines, or culture and history, Parma simply has it all. With simplicity at its finest, now is the perfect time to visit this great venue and spend countless hours of fun. You can also contact the farm for any questions or inquiries in regards to tasting tours and accomodations.
Cooking classes in Parma.
For those interested in learn how to cook dishes from the parma cuisine it is also possible to organise cookery classes in the region.

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