Walking Venice Tourist Free? Might Be Possible…

Parmesan, Balsamic & Ham Tour - Foodie's Delight Tour

Modena Food Walking Tour

Afternoon Aperitivo Tour

Venice has remained a top destination for tourists, who intend to make great use of their holiday and leisure time. This has been adversely contributed by the several islands Venice takes pride in, full of amazing and breathtaking sceneries, making your visit worthwhile.

But more fun comes from visiting less crowded islands. They offer the much-needed peace, away from the busy mainland. Venice has some Islands which offer this conducive environment. Unfortunately, over the years, these islands in the Venice Lagoon have been disregarded. Nevertheless, they harbor some of the exciting sites and landmarks that your eyes crave to have a glimpse of. These islands include the following;



This disregarded Venice Lagoon was once ranked second in the most beautiful places list in the Forbes magazine in 2016. Though overlooked, this ranking confirmed its capability of attracting tourists. Any visitor to this less crowded area comes back with fond memories. The main contributor being its wonderful and colorful fishermen’s cottages.

Once you arrive in Venice, simply take a water bus and in about 40 or so minutes you will be right in this amazing Island. It has a population of utmost 3000 people, who have settled in this densely urbanized island entwined by canals full of colorful fishing boats matching with the beautiful cottages. This small population will go a long way to sprucing up your visit.

This island is not only highly attractive but also full of lacework. You can also visit Museo del Merletto a reliable museum in Lacemaking. This is indeed a perfect place for lacework enthusiasts.

You won’t resist falling in love with the beautiful wooden roof terraces which have been strategically positioned to conform well to the sun and sea breezes during the islands hot days. If you need a nice place for sunbathing and late-night dinner, Burano Island is the place to be.

Excellent delicacies are not a problem in this amazing island. Since it is a fish affair, Burano is packed with a couple of restaurants that provides various types of fish dishes for its tourists. Besides, there is Dolce and pasta which are a perfect delicacy. For lovers of new cuisines, you ought to visit this Island. By the end of your stay, you will have acquired some new recipes to try them back home.


Canals of Murano

This Venice Lagoon island is a short water boat ride north of Venice. It is made up of 7 islands, separated by waterways which are larger than most of Venice canals. It has an estimated population of 500 people.

Most people visit Murano because of the valuable glass factories that are ever pleasing, in order to witness the process of glassmaking. Some of the companies even offer free boat rides to lure these tourists into visiting their premises. You can visit the Museo del Vetro, which is a glass museum. Here you will get a view of some of the best ancient and amazing glass. Besides, there are several furnaces which are open for everyone to see.

Murano has wonderful architectural designs that catch the attention of any visitor. These unique architectural designs have been applied on some of its ancient churches, for instance, Chiesa di San Pietro Martire, Basilica dei Santi Maria Donato. For lovers of amazing architectural designs, then Murano is the place to visit in a bid to get some rare feat in architecture.

There are also some ancient mansions that have graced this island making it one of a kind. Some of these mansions include Murano Lighthouse that was built in 1912.

In case you need some conducive peace away from the city, Murano is a place to visit. It is not densely populated thus you will not have to struggle with putting up with noise. As the holiday sets in, you can make reservations on visiting this amazing place.


lthough it has been overlooked, this island is home to various attractive sights. It has lovely mosaics, impressive views that will ensure your visit is one to remember. Torcello was the first ever island to be considered as a home by the people who were escaping from the Barbarian Hodes. It is made up of sights that will spice up your stay in Venice Lagoon island.

The Devil’s bridge was built in the 15th century and revamped in 2008. It is an amazing place to pass as you appreciate the elegance of Torcello architectural design and the masterpiece of the engineers that designed and built it. Having a photo of you taken from you, not only preserves some dear memories but is a sign of an excellent stay in Torcello.

The Cathedral of Torcello is one of Torcello’s ancient monument. It was founded in 639 AD and renovated in 1008. This cathedral is well known for its 11th-12th century Byzantine Mosaics. However currently, it is no longer a cathedral because it lacks a bishop. Despite that, it is still an amazing place to look at.

There are also famous restaurants that are Locanda Cipriani that serves as a nice place to eat and also accommodation. After eating you can take a stroll at the famous Archaeological Museum of Torcello. It is full of remains and fragments of famous 10 churches.

Torcello will not only offer you amazing sights to look at but also a suitable environment to spend your holiday in. It is less crowded, just a perfect place to enjoy your holiday peaceful as you bond well with your family. This confirms the relevance of visiting less populated areas.


Less crowded islands are undoubtedly some of the best places to visit. Not only for the amazing sceneries they have to offer but also the conducive environment they have. The Venice lagoon has such islands, that will give you that harmony and peace needed while on holiday. Murano, Burano, and Torcello are packed with amazing sights that tend to take away the breath of any visitor. As a potential visitor, you can begin planning your visit to these amazing and less crowded islands. It is a guarantee your visit will be worthwhile.

Parmesan, Balsamic & Ham Tour - Foodie's Delight Tour

Modena Food Walking Tour

Afternoon Aperitivo Tour