Travelling to Le Marche: Caves of Frasassi and Verdicchio Wine.

Let’s visit Frasassi Caves and admire the vineyards and the medieval villages. 

Let’s go among the legends, the magic, the flavors and the natural wonders of the typical Le Marche landscape, and look at the gentle hills and to the sea sloping.

After crossing the border of Emilia Romagna, we continue the trip along the Adriatic coast and go southward following Ancona. In our journey we’ll be with a travel&tourism website where you can discover unusual and different itineraries in Italy.

The Grotte di Frasassi, in Le Marche region.

We begin our journey in Le Marche starting from Frasassi, one of the most famous villages of the region, located in the province of Ancona. Here since the 70’s, after a laborious and delicate work of digging, visitors could access to these spectacular caves.

The visit of the famous Frasassi Caves can be an experience full of surprises: the caves stretch for thirty kilometers and they are located on eight different levels, with millenary concentrations of limestone that formed stalactites and stalagmites of spectacular proportions that make up an incredible and unique natural sight.
A walk of about 1 hour and 15 minutes is accessible to everybody at a temperature of 14 degrees that is constant all the year round. That’s why they recommend to use comfortable shoes and a sweatshirt even during the summer months.

The “Abyss Ancona” is the first part of the cave and the researchers gave it the name of their city. It is a big cave, perhaps one of the deepest caves in Europe and in the world: 180 m. long, 120 m. large and 200 m. high. At the end of the “Abyss” it is possible to see a caotic hoard of blocks, results of movements and fallings down from time immemorial that gave origin to the abyss.

Enjoy Le Marche Wines.

After visiting the caves, it is also worth to make a stop at one of the many wine cellars that in this area produce a typical Le Marche white wine: the verdicchio wine. The best way to learn everything about any aspect of this wine is to understand the secrets of the traditional production: in order to learn more and more you might stop at the Cantina Colonnara, in Cupramontana: here the wines are obtained thanks to a perfect combination of different elements, such as the earth, the microclimate, the human labor.
The Colonnara wine farm consists of 100+ members and 100+ hectares of vineyards. You will appreciate a modern method of wine production and also the production of sparkling wines first with the Martinotti method (fermentation in barrel) in the 70s, then with the Classic Method Brut (bottle fermentation) since 1980.

 Source of the Image of Frasassi caves