Monte Veronese Cheese, a delight of the Veneto Region

Parmesan, Balsamic & Ham Tour - Foodie's Delight Tour

Modena Food Walking Tour

Afternoon Aperitivo Tour

The intense flavour of Monte Veronese DOP

This fabulous cheese is produced in the northernmost part of the Verona province since medieval times, when the Lessinia valley was occupied by the Germanic tribe of Cimbrians. Other say that its production was introduced in this area by immigrants from Lombardy.


The hilly region of Lessinia is part of the Prealps chain and is a tourist destination all year round for its great natural places – in particular the Regional Park of Lessinia – where visitors can do excursions, birdwatching and have fun at the Malga San Giorgio ski resort.

A gastronomic tour is recommended to gourmet travellers to find out the typical product which gained the DOP recognition in 1996: the Monte Veronese cheese. Furthermore, the Consorzio di Tutela del Monte Veronese was founded to preserve its territory of origin, its method of production and, indeed, its authentic flavour.

A great way to taste it is to visit the town of Zeno di Montagna – province of Verona – during the food festival dedicated to San Zeno chestnuts, Bardolino wine and Monte Veronese cheese. You may also enjoy tours in the dairy factories of Peschiera del Garda, Lazise, Bardolino – all close to the marvellous Lake Garda – Bussolengo and San Pietro in Cariano, to name a few.


How Monte Veronese is produced

Monte Veronese DOP (or POD) is made only from cow’s milk. But the factor that makes this cheese so unique is that the milk is exclusively taken from cows bred in the Lessinia valleys. This element, together with the period of ageing – safeguards its organoleptic properties and original aroma of grass. You can recognize Monte Veronese varieties by the label colour and by the denomination clearly marked on them.

Monte Veronese Aging period and varieties


Monte Veronese made from whole milk needs an aging time of 25-40 days and can be recognized by the light green label. Your palate won’t forget its sweet long lasting flavour. Try it with marmalade to enjoy the contrast between bitter and sweet.

Monte Veronese d’allevo – made from skimmed milk – is called “mezzano” if aged for more than 90 days. Its savour slightly spicy makes it perfect to serve grated on many gourmet first courses such as risotto all’Amarone or as filling in ravioli. It’s great also with the radicchio rosso di Verona IGP (PGI). Check the light blue label when you buy it.

If you’re looking for strong flavours, then the Monte Veronese d’allevo vecchio – which period of aging goes between 6 months and 2 years – is the one for you. Labelled with a black tag, you will soon recognize it also by its pleasant flavour of almond. You’d rather enjoy it at the end of the meal matched with great Italian red wines such as Bardolino or Valpolicella.

There is another variety, called Monte Veronese di Malga, that can be served with other food (eggs, pears, walnuts) to emphasize its flavour or with other kind of cheeses. It is the ideal ingredient of recipes based on polenta or salty pies since it gives an intense taste to the dish. It is superb if matched with the strong flavour of truffles.

Emilia Delizia Monte Veronese cheese tour from Verona.

Are you ready for a gourmet travel in the Verona province? Our company organises cheese tours from Verona, Bardolino and the Valpolicella area. With our food experiences you can discover this magnificent products during your holidays in Italy.



Parmesan, Balsamic & Ham Tour - Foodie's Delight Tour

Modena Food Walking Tour

Afternoon Aperitivo Tour

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