The Mysteries and Secrets of the Asinelli Tower: A Comprehensive Guide to Planning Your Visit

The Asinelli Tower, one of the most iconic symbols of Bologna, Italy, holds a fascinating history marked by legends, architectural feats, and mysteries. In this article, we delve into the secrets of the Asinelli Tower and provide a detailed guide on how to plan your visit.

The Asinelli Tower in Bologna, Italy, boasts 498 steps, making it a true test of endurance and determination. This climb is not for the faint-hearted, as the steep and narrow wooden staircases present a considerable challenge. Each step requires careful navigation, adding to the strenuous nature of the ascent. However, those who brave the climb are rewarded with a spectacular panoramic view of Bologna from the top. The sight of the city’s terracotta rooftops, historic architecture, and surrounding hills is a breathtaking reward for the effort. The Asinelli Tower, a symbol of Bologna, offers both a physical challenge and an unforgettable experience.

From the top of the Asinelli Tower, you are greeted with a stunning bird’s-eye view of Bologna’s charming landscape. The vast expanse of red-tiled rooftops stretches out below, interspersed with the spires of ancient churches and the winding streets of the historic city center. The majestic Basilica of San Petronio stands out prominently. In the distance, the rolling hills of the Emilia-Romagna countryside create a picturesque backdrop. The view also captures the blend of medieval and Renaissance architecture, providing a vivid reminder of Bologna’s rich cultural heritage. The breathtaking panorama is a photographer’s dream and a sight to behold.

The Enigmatic History of the Asinelli Tower

The Asinelli Tower, together with the Garisenda Tower, forms the famous “Two Towers” of Bologna. Erected in the early 12th century, it was initially built as a status symbol by the Asinelli family, showcasing their wealth and influence. Over the centuries, the tower has withstood earthquakes, fires, and even cannonballs—testament to its robust construction and the city’s turbulent past.

Secrets and Legends

One of the most enchanting stories about the tower is its connection to a local legend that involves the devil. It is said that the tower was constructed overnight by demonic forces, a myth that adds to the mysterious aura surrounding this medieval structure. Additionally, the tower is named after the noble Gherardo Asinelli, although various tales suggest different origins for this naming.

Another intriguing aspect of the Asinelli Tower is its lean. At 97.2 meters tall and tilting about 1.3 degrees, it is the tallest leaning medieval tower in Italy. This architectural feature not only defines the skyline of Bologna but also contributes to the numerous myths about the tower.

The Asinelli Tower in Bologna, Italy, is steeped in mystery and rich history. According to a cherished local legend, a farmer who discovered a hidden treasure with the help of his two donkeys used this newfound wealth to build the tower. This tale is woven into the fabric of Bologna’s cultural heritage, symbolizing fortune and transformation.

Further enhancing the tower’s mystical allure are the stories and uses it has accumulated over the centuries. The tower has served various strategic purposes, from military lookout in medieval times to a scientific laboratory in the 18th century, where experiments proving Earth’s rotation were conducted. This blend of practical utility and mythical origins gives the Asinelli Tower a unique place in both the skyline and the hearts of Bologna’s residents.

Visitors and students are often told to refrain from climbing the tower before their graduation, fearing it may curse their academic success. This superstition highlights the cultural depth and the playful nature of local traditions surrounding the historic site.

The Asinelli Tower is not just a structure but a gateway to the past, offering a panoramic view not only of the city but also of the layers of stories and secrets that have built up around it over nearly a millennium. As such, it remains a must-visit for those who travel to Bologna, promising a direct connection to the city’s ancient heart and vibrant history.

Scientific Revelations

The tower also played a crucial role in scientific history. In 1790, the physicist Giovanni Battista Guglielmini conducted experiments from the top of the tower to demonstrate the rotation of the Earth, marking a significant advancement in the understanding of our planet.

Planning Your Visit to the Asinelli Tower

How to Get There

Located in the heart of Bologna’s historic center, at Piazza di Porta Ravegnana, the tower is easily accessible on foot from any part of the city center. It’s a must-visit destination for its panoramic views and the unique experience of climbing its 498 wooden steps.

Tickets and Timing

Visiting the Asinelli Tower requires a bit of planning. The entrance fee is generally around 5 euros, with concessions available. It is advisable to book your tickets in advance, especially during peak tourist seasons, to avoid long waiting times.

Check this site for more info about booking and pricing.

Best Times to Visit

The best time to climb the tower is early in the morning or later in the evening to catch the sunrise or sunset. This not only helps avoid the crowds but also provides the most spectacular views of the city bathed in natural light.

Local Tips

A peculiar superstition associated with the tower suggests that students should avoid climbing to the top before graduating, as it is believed to bring bad luck in their academic endeavors. Whether you believe in superstitions or not, this adds an element of fun to the visit.

Nearby Attractions

After visiting the tower, explore other nearby historical sites such as Piazza Maggiore, the Basilica di San Petronio, and the numerous medieval streets that offer a glimpse into Bologna’s rich past. Also, consider taking a guided tour to learn more about the city’s secrets and culinary delights.


The Asinelli Tower is not just an architectural marvel but a keeper of history, myths, and a window to medieval Bologna. A visit here is a step back in time and an opportunity to experience the city from a unique perspective. With careful planning, your visit to the Asinelli Tower can be a highlight of your journey through Italy, blending historical exploration with breathtaking views.

A Tourist’s Guide to Parma in August 2023


Nestled in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, Parma is a captivating city with its blend of historical architecture, scrumptious culinary offerings, and vivacious events. August 2023 offers a plethora of activities that every tourist should endeavor to partake in. Here’s your guide to experiencing the essence of Parma this summer.

1. Ferragosto in Parma:
Ferragosto, or Assumption Day on 15th August, is a national holiday in Italy, and Parma celebrates it with pomp and flair. Make sure to mark the date for a special sighting of aquile (eagles) and gufi (owls) soaring above the scenic Castello di Tabiano.

2. Enchanting Events:

  • Monte delle Vigne reignites its celebrated ‘aperistreet in vigna’ from June 8th to September 7th. Relish the best of Italian wine paired with local delicacies as you soak in the panoramic vineyard views.
  • Step into the world of whimsical performances with “Tutti Matti in Emilia” and “Tour Bidon”. This circus extravaganza spans multiple locations from July 29th to September 7th. Particularly, don’t miss the Cirque Bidon at Parco Cittadella from August 15th to 22nd.

3. Immersive Experiences:

  • Wander in Il Giardino dei Cedri, open until August 31st, for a serene respite amid nature.
  • Delve deep into the history of Rocca Sanvitale di Fontanellato with events scheduled from June 17th to September 24th.
  • Stimulate your intellectual senses at the Festival della Parola. Spanning multiple locations from June 8th to September 4th, engage in enriching dialogues with figures like Nicola Gratteri and Mariangela Gualtieri.

4. Mysteries and Cinema:

  • Be captivated by tales of mysteries and legends of the region’s castles in “Giallo in Castello”, a new podcast series by Carlo Lucarelli, focusing on four of Ducato’s iconic castles.
  • If a fan of cinematic arts, don’t miss “I Giardini della Paura”, a film festival that takes off on July 12th at the lush Giardini di San Paolo.

5. Artistic Endeavors:

  • Pay homage to the legendary Galileo Chini at the Salone Terme Berzieri. The exhibit titled “Oro e Oriente” celebrates the centenary of the Terme Berzieri from May 27th to September 17th.
  • Dive into the visual feast that is “Diaframmi” at the regal Reggia di Colorno from June 24th to September 10th.

6. Local News and Musings:
While in Parma, dive deep into its cultural fabric by acquainting yourself with local news and entertainment. Series like “The Bear 2” are captivating audiences and discussions on topics like the escalating costs of beach days can make for engaging conversations with locals.

In Conclusion:
August in Parma in 2023 is not just a trip; it’s an experience. From historical castles to modern cinema, from the hustle of the city to the serene gardens, Parma offers a little bit of everything for everyone. So, pack your bags, get your event tickets, and immerse yourself in the magic of Parma this summer. For more info check this site.
