How to make Tagliatelle (with a rolling pin) in Bologna

Parmesan, Balsamic & Ham Tour - Foodie's Delight Tour

Modena Food Walking Tour

Afternoon Aperitivo Tour

Bologna is the city of fresh egg pasta, and its symbol is the Tagliatelle Alla Bolognese. Long strips of pasta noodles served together with meaty and traditional Bolognese sauce. Emilia Delizia does Pasta Making classes in Bologna, so you could stay in town and learn how to make this stupendous dish.  Tagliatelle are easy to make, you can use a traditional rolling pin or you could use a pasta making machine for practicality. Below we have included a quick tutorial.

Making green tagliatelle in Bologna – source


Making Fresh Tagliatelle in Bologna,  Italy.

Making delicious authentic Italian food at home doesn’t have to be difficult, especially if you follow the simple instructions from Giallo Zafferano, one of the leaders in traditional Italian cuisine. When it comes to Italian food, it all starts with the fresh pasta, and as far as pasta goes, tagliatelle is far and away one of the most versatile and easiest to make of all the various pasta varieties. It goes well with almost any type of thick pasta sauce including Bolognese and almost everything in between. What’s more, you can even add a bit of extra flavor to your dish by incorporating fresh spinach  directly into the tagliatelle dough to make a green version of this dish.

Making the Pasta Dough.

To make enough of this outstanding fresh tagliatelle for 4 people, all you’ll need is 2 1/3 cups (300g) of flour, 3 medium eggs and a pinch of salt.
To make your tagliatelle dough, combine the flour, eggs and salt into a large bowl, then begin mixing it all together with your hands until everything starts to come together. Then transfer the dough onto a clean surface and knead it until you’ve got a smooth even ball of dough. Finally, cover the dough with plastic wrap or a bowl and let it rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.

Rolling Out the Tagliatelle

After the dough has rested, you’ll begin by taking a portion of the dough (1/4 at the most) and rolling it out until it’s no more than 1/16th of an inch thick. Then, take the strip of rolled out dough and roll it up on itself long ways, making a long rope, taking care not to press the layers together. Now, take a knife and cut about 1 inch strips off the rope to create the individual strands of tagliatelle, and then repeat this process with the rest of the dough.

Cooking the Tagliatelle

The final step is to cook your pasta. To do this, place a large pot of well-salted water on the stove to boil. Once it’s boiling, add the pasta, making sure to try to separate the individual pieces as you drop them in the water. Let the pasta boil for just a few minutes (usually no more than 4 or 5 at the most), then strain and serve your delicious homemade tagliatelle with your favorite pasta sauce. It’s that simple.

Parmesan, Balsamic & Ham Tour - Foodie's Delight Tour

Modena Food Walking Tour

Afternoon Aperitivo Tour

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