Top Visits: A Journey to Discover Maturing Aceto Balsamico di Reggio Emilia Producers in Emilia Romagna

Deep in the heartland of Northern Italy lies Emilia Romagna, a region steeped in history and renowned for its culinary delights. Rich in cultural and food traditions, it’s the place to indulge in fine, quality food and drink. Yet beyond its famed Prosciutto di Parma and Parmigiano Reggiano cheese, Emilia Romagna hides another jewel – the Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Reggio Emilia, or Traditional Balsamic Vinegar of Reggio Emilia. This region is home to some of Italy’s finest balsamic vinegar producers.

Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is made from cooked grape must, aged through a long aging process in wooden casks, which gives it a complex, sweet, and aromatic profile, unlike the often more diluted commercial-grade balsamic vinegars readily available in supermarkets. The crafting process of this delicacy is meticulous and steeped in tradition, characteristics that reflect the spirit of Emilia Romagna itself.

Here is a list of the finest Aceto Balsamico di Reggio Emilia Producers you should not miss when visiting Parma.

1. Acetaia San Giacomo:

Located in Novellara, a village in the Reggio Emilia province, Acetaia San Giacomo is a must-visit. The owner, Andrea Bezzechi, is one of the most respected balsamic vinegar masters, and will immerse you in the refined world of traditional balsamic vinegar production. Visitors can tour the acetaia, witness the painstaking process of the balsamic vinegar making and, of course, sample the beautifully matured elixir.

2. Cavalli Acetaia:

Located in Scandiano, near Parma, the Cavalli family has been producing traditional balsamic vinegar for centuries. Visitors can tour the historic cellars packed with barrels dating back to the 1800s, and learn about the detailed process that goes into producing their richly flavored, aromatic vinegar. Tastings are complemented by other local products such as cheeses and cured meats.

3. Acetaia Boni Romano:

In the charming municipality of Cavriago, deep among the Reggiano hills, you will find the family-run Acetaia Boni Romano. Here, the Boni family shares their passion for the ancient tradition of vinegar-making. Visitors are treated to a guided tour of the vinegar loft, and a tasting that involves three different ages of Balsamic Vinegar.

4. Acetaia Claudia:

Situated in the foothills of Reggio Emilia, Acetaia Claudia showcases the charm of family-run vinegar production in Italy. You can take a leisurely trip around their vinegar loft, see where the magic happens, and expand your knowledge about vinegar aging process.

Each of these producers offer something unique, and visiting them offers not only an insight into the traditional process of creating Aceto Balsamico di Reggio Emilia, but also provides a visceral connection to the land, the tradition, and the people behind this remarkable product.

Visiting these Aceto Balsamico di Reggio Emilia producers is a fascinating addition to a stay in Parma, providing a deeper appreciation of Emilia Romagna’s culinary culture, and a deeper understanding of the region’s gastronomic heritage. You get to sip, savour, and appreciate what truly sets this vinegar apart from the rest – it’s not just a culinary experience, but a journey into the heart of Emilia Romagna.

A Guide to Visiting the Best Aceto Balsamico Producers in Reggio Emilia: An Authentic Culinary Experience

Emilia-Romagna, the foodie heartland of Italy, stretches from the Apennine Mountains to the fertile plains of the Po River. Best known for its culinary triumphs like Prosciutto di Parma, Parmigiano Reggiano, and Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale, it provides an irresistible lure for those who love authentic Italian food. Among these gastronomic gems, Aceto Balsamico, or balsamic vinegar, holds a unique spot owing to its centuries-old tradition and an exquisite flavor profile. This rich, dark, sweet-yet-sour liquid, made from grape must, is meticulously aged in wooden barrels for at least a dozen years.

Reggio Emilia, one of the only two certified production areas alongside Modena, hosts some of the best Aceto Balsamico producers who still uphold the traditional methods. Embarking on a culinary tour here should be nothing less than a gastronome’s thrilling sojourn.

Reggio Emilia, an enchanting city with a rich historical tapestry, offers visitors more than just its famed culinary delights. The city is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and vibrant cultural scene. Key landmarks include the Teatro Municipale Valli, a splendid 19th-century opera house that is the centerpiece of the city’s cultural life, hosting regular opera, ballet, and classical music performances. The Basilica della Ghiara, built in the 17th century, is famous for its sumptuous baroque interiors and exquisite frescoes that draw art lovers and pilgrims alike.

Another must-visit is the Palazzo Magnani, a beautiful historical building that often hosts art exhibitions. For a deeper dive into local history, the Musei Civici offers a fascinating look at the archaeological and ethnographic history of the region. The Piazza Prampolini at the heart of the city, with the impressive Duomo di Reggio Emilia facing the bustling square, is perfect for experiencing the local lifestyle and architecture.

For those traveling from Parma, a visit to Reggio Emilia offers a contrasting experience that complements the rich culinary and cultural offerings of their own city. While Parma is undoubtedly famous for its food products, Reggio Emilia provides a more intimate glimpse into the Emilian way of life. Its smaller scale, combined with less tourist traffic, allows visitors to immerse themselves in authentic Italian culture. The proximity to Parma, just about a 30-minute drive, makes it an easy and worthwhile addition to any itinerary, particularly for those interested in exploring the depths of Italy’s culinary and cultural heritage.

1. Acetaia San Giacomo: Nestled in the rolling hills of Reggio Emilia, the ancient Acetaia San Giacomo is a haven of traditional balsamic production. The owners are passionate about preserving ancient techniques, blending tradition with modern ways. Here, visitors can explore the aging process of the vinegar in different types of wooden barrels in the scent-packed loft, under the careful guidance of Andrea Bezzecchi, the current keeper and an experienced sommelier.

2. Acetaia Cavalli: This law-protected universe of monocultivar vineyards offers a fascinating visit to anyone interested in traditional balsamic vinegar. The Cavalli family, known for their dedication to the environment and traditional methods, opens their acetaia to share the magic of crafting real balsamic vinegar. Through the experience, you’ll witness the journey of the grapes from the vineyard to the meticulously aged balsamic.

While visiting these acetaia, it is evident that true Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale is a labor of love, patience, time, and tradition. The beauty of this product lies not just in its distinct taste that enhances any dish it drizzles over, but also in the heart and history that goes into its creation.

Beyond the acetaias, Reggio Emilia itself is flush with beautiful historical buildings, museums, and galleries, making it a perfect destination for foodies and history enthusiasts alike. The city also offers a variety of taverns and traditional Osteria where you can enjoy traditional Emilian dishes accompanied by locally produced wine and balsamic vinegar.

Emilia-Romagna is a region that thrives on its culinary heritage. To truly feel its spirit, experience its tastes, and understand the tradition that shapes its gastronomy, a visit to its Aceto Balsamico producers is indispensable. Through this journey, you won’t simply be tasting vinegar but witnessing the magic of time suspended in a culinary tradition.

Exploring Reggio Emilia in 24 Hours: A Journey Through History, Culture, and Culinary Delights


Reggio Emilia, a vibrant city in the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy, is a treasure trove of historical wonders, cultural delights, and culinary experiences. With its rich heritage and contemporary charm, a 24-hour visit to this city promises a journey through time and taste. Here’s how you can make the most of your day in Reggio Emilia.

Morning: Tracing the Roots of the Italian Tricolor

Start your day at the heart of Italian history in the Sala del Tricolore at the Palazzo Municipale. Reggio Emilia is known as the birthplace of the Italian flag, where on January 7, 1797, the tricolor was adopted as the emblem of the Cispadana Republic. The Sala and the adjacent Museo del Tricolore, which offers free admission, provide a fascinating insight into the history of the Italian flag, intertwining with contemporary art and creativity. This iconic spot sets the stage for understanding Italy’s journey to unity and independence.

Late Morning: Discovering the Palazzo dei Musei

Next, visit the Palazzo dei Musei, a recently renovated space designed by architect Italo Rota. This museum complex takes you on a journey through centuries of local and regional history. From the Roman founder Marco Emilio Lepido to the poet Ludovico Ariosto, and from the Este possessions to the photographic works of Luigi Ghirri, the museum encapsulates the essence of the area’s rich cultural heritage. Don’t miss the impressive “Curiosa Meravigliosa” photomosaic on the facade of Via Secchi, a stunning piece of art made from over 12,000 photographs.

Early Afternoon: The Baroque Wonder of La Ghiara

The Basilica della Ghiara, a marvel of baroque architecture, is your next destination. Built in the late 16th century following a miraculous event, the basilica houses an extraordinary collection of frescoes and altarpieces by prominent 17th-century Emilian artists like Ludovico Carracci and Guercino. The adjacent Chiostro Grande and Chiostro Piccolo add to the grandeur of this religious site, with the latter hosting the Museo del Tesoro della Basilica della Ghiara.

Mid-Afternoon: A Contemporary Art and Photography Tour

Reggio Emilia’s contemporary spirit comes alive in the streets. The city’s thriving modern art scene is evident in its public art installations by renowned artists like Luciano Fabro and Sol Lewitt. The “Fotografia Europea” festival, a major event for contemporary photography, transforms various city locations into vibrant exhibition spaces. A short distance from the city center, the Collezione Maramotti offers an impressive collection of contemporary art, housed in a former Max Mara fashion production facility.

Late Afternoon: Architectural Marvels by Santiago Calatrava

Experience the contemporary architectural genius of Santiago Calatrava. His white arching bridges have become the new city gateways, symbolizing Reggio Emilia’s leap into the 21st century. The nearby Mediopadana High-Speed Train Station, a stunning structure of white steel and glass, is another testament to Calatrava’s architectural prowess and is considered one of the most beautiful train stations in the world.

Evening: A Culinary Experience with Erbazzone

As evening sets in, indulge in Reggio Emilia’s culinary specialty – Erbazzone. This savory pie, made with spinach, chard, ricotta, onions, and Parmigiano Reggiano, is a staple in local cuisine. With variations across the region, each version maintains its uniquely Reggian flavor.

Night: Strolling Through the Historic Piazzas

Conclude your day with a leisurely stroll through the historic piazzas of Reggio Emilia. The city’s urban fabric comes alive in these public spaces. Piazza Prampolini, with the Cattedrale, the Municipio, and the Sala del Tricolore, is a must-visit. Piazza San Prospero, Piazza Martiri del 7 Luglio, and Piazza della Vittoria each tell their own story of the city’s past and present. Piazza Fontanesi, once a bustling marketplace, is now a lively spot filled with cafes and gastronomic shops.

Closing Thoughts: A City of Inclusivity and Creativity

Reggio Emilia is a city that embraces everyone – from families to solo travelers, from history buffs to art enthusiasts. The city is home to the Centro Internazionale Loris Malaguzzi, dedicated to innovative educational approaches, and the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza-Aterballetto, a testament to its commitment to the arts. With its bike-friendly streets and scenic parks, Reggio Emilia is not just a destination but an experience, a place

Parmesan Magic and Culinary Delights: An Unforgettable Journey through Italy’s Cheese Factories and Local Cuisine


Parmesan cheese, or Parmigiano Reggiano as it’s authentically known, holds an esteemed place in the world of culinary delights. This cherished cheese, handcrafted in specific regions of Italy, offers not just a unique gastronomical experience, but its creation process is a fascinating spectacle in itself. Embark on this immersive journey through the enchanting cheese factories of Italy, where the allure of Parmesan intertwines with the cultural richness and culinary treasures of each city.


Your Parmesan journey naturally begins in Parma, the city lending its name to the celebrated cheese. Here, several ‘caseificios,’ or dairy factories, open their doors to tourists, offering guided tours of the meticulous Parmesan making process. From the initial milking of cows to the fascinating transformation of milk into cheese, followed by the extensive aging process, you’re in for an intriguing experience.

Parma is not just about Parmesan, though. This culturally rich city was named the Italian Capital of Culture in 2020. Visit the renowned Teatro Regio opera house and the stunning Parma Cathedral with its Italian Romanesque architecture. Don’t forget to indulge in the city’s signature dish, “Tortelli d’erbetta,” a delightful pasta filled with ricotta, parmesan, and herbs, served with melted butter.

Reggio Emilia

Your next stop is Reggio Emilia, a city teeming with dairies producing authentic Parmigiano Reggiano. An early morning visit lets you witness the cheese-making process in its full glory, right from the fresh morning milk delivery.

As you soak in the city’s vibrant culture, be sure to explore architectural marvels like the Valli Theatre and the Basilica della Ghiara. Reggio Emilia is also famous for its “Erbazzone,” a savory pie filled with spinach, chard, and of course, Parmesan cheese – an authentic taste of the region you won’t want to miss.


Modena, famous as the birthplace of balsamic vinegar, also takes pride in its Parmesan cheese production. Here, you can witness artisans as they stir massive copper vats of curdling milk and plunge freshly made cheese into a salt bath for flavoring.

After the cheese tour, visit the Enzo Ferrari Museum and the Ferrari Factory if you’re a car enthusiast. Marvel at the city’s UNESCO World Heritage-listed cathedral, Torre della Ghirlandina, and Piazza Grande. While you’re there, enjoy a plate of “Tigelle,” traditional round bread served with a variety of fillings, including cheese, a local delicacy that perfectly embodies the Modena culinary experience.

Mantua and Bologna (designated areas)

The journey continues to specific areas of Mantua and Bologna that also produce Parmesan cheese. Here, you can experience small, family-run farms that have been maintaining Parmesan’s legacy for generations.

In Mantua, visit the Renaissance-era Palazzo Te and the Basilica di Sant’Andrea. The city’s signature dish, “Tortelli di Zucca” (pumpkin ravioli), is a sweet-savory delicacy that will thrill your palate. Bologna, a city renowned for its vibrant food scene, offers landmarks like its medieval towers and the University of Bologna. Do not leave without trying the city’s famous “Tagliatelle al Ragu,” a hearty, slow-cooked meat sauce served over fresh tagliatelle pasta.

As you traverse these regions, you’ll not only gain insight into Parmesan’s artisanal production process but also immerse yourself in the rich culture, historical landmarks, and unique culinary delights of these Italian cities. This journey through the world of Parmesan cheese offers a multi-sensory experience, a testament to the timeless bond between tradition, craftsmanship, and culinary pleasure.

Optimal Seasons for Emilia Romagna Explorations

The Emilia Romagna region, encompassing the cities of Parma, Reggio Emilia, and Modena, offers a wealth of experiences year-round. However, to fully absorb the essence of Parmesan cheese production and the region’s vibrant culture, some seasons stand out as particularly inviting.

Spring (April to June)

Spring is a delightful time to visit Emilia Romagna. As the region bursts into bloom, it’s an excellent season for cheese lovers, as this is when the cows start grazing on fresh grass, contributing to richer, more flavorful milk for cheese production. The weather is typically mild, ideal for sightseeing and leisurely walks through the city streets or the countryside. Spring also sees food festivals celebrating local produce, providing a fantastic opportunity to delve into the regional culinary scene.

Autumn (September to November)

Autumn is another beautiful season to explore Emilia Romagna. The weather is usually pleasant, with the heat of summer subsiding. This time of year, the region is awash with vibrant fall colors, providing a breathtaking backdrop for your travels. Autumn also marks the beginning of the white truffle season, an exquisite delicacy that can be enjoyed at local markets and restaurants. Moreover, in November, the new Parmigiano Reggiano season begins, making it an exciting time to visit the cheese factories.

While summer and winter offer their unique charm, the scorching heat of summer can make touring the cheese factories a bit challenging, and winter may limit your outdoor activities due to shorter daylight hours and colder weather. Nevertheless, the cities of Emilia Romagna remain bustling with cultural and culinary activities throughout the year.

Whether you’re marveling at the cheese-making process, tasting the unique delicacies of each city, or soaking in the rich culture and history, every season brings a different shade of Emilia Romagna to life. So, plan your visit according to your preferences and get ready to be captivated by this enchanting Italian region.

Traveling to the Emilia Romagna region can be quite straightforward, thanks to its well-connected transportation network. Depending on where you’re traveling from, you can choose from several convenient entry points.

By Air

The Emilia Romagna region is serviced by several airports. The Bologna Guglielmo Marconi Airport (BLQ) is the largest and most connected, with flights from several international and domestic locations. It’s a perfect entry point if you’re beginning your trip in Bologna or planning to explore the southern part of the region.

Parma also has an airport, the Parma Giuseppe Verdi Airport (PMF), though with fewer connections. If you’re planning to start your Parmesan journey directly from Parma, this might be a convenient option.

For visitors traveling from within Europe, the Modena Airport (ZMO) offers several connections. However, it’s primarily used for private and sports flights.

By Train

The Emilia Romagna region has an extensive railway network that connects it with other major Italian cities. Bologna’s central train station, Bologna Centrale, is one of the most important railway junctions in Italy. High-speed trains connect Bologna with Milan, Florence, Rome, and Venice, making it easily accessible for those already in Italy or entering from neighboring countries.

By Car

If you prefer a scenic drive, Emilia Romagna can be reached by car from other parts of Italy. The region is well-serviced by motorways, like the A1, connecting Milan to Naples, and the A14, connecting Bologna to Taranto.

Once you’re in Emilia Romagna, the transportation options – whether by train, bus, or car – make it easy to hop between the cities of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, and beyond. Enjoy planning your journey into the heartland of Parmigiano Reggiano production and the rich cultural and culinary delights that await.

Why It’s Time to Embrace Lambrusco, Again!

bottles of wine
Concerto lambrusco – winner of several prizes

As you meander through the enchanting landscapes of Emilia Romagna, it’s impossible to ignore the region’s deep-rooted love affair with food and wine. The recent renaissance of Lambrusco, the region’s bubbly red gem, is a testament to the passionate efforts of local winemakers who have worked tirelessly to restore its reputation. In this article, we’ll reveal why now is the perfect time to embrace Lambrusco and explore the culinary treasures of Emilia Romagna.

Reviving a Bubbly Legacy

Lambrusco, with its vivacious effervescence and refreshing character, has undergone a remarkable transformation in recent years. Pioneers like Giorgio Medici have led the charge in refining the fermentation process, ensuring a consistently high-quality end product. Wineries across Emilia Romagna have embraced this newfound dedication to excellence, resulting in a new generation of Lambrusco wines that are delighting palates worldwide.

The 2019 Matilde di Canossa Lambrusco Awards showcased the finest offerings from each Appellation of Origin area. From delicate fizz to knockout perlage, there is a Lambrusco variety to suit any taste and pair with dishes from pizza to sushi. Explore the diverse range of Lambrusco wines, including Lambrusco Reggiano, Lambrusco di Modena, Lambrusco di Sorbara, Colli di Scandiano e Canossa Lambrusco, Lambrusco Grasparossa di Castelvetro, Lambrusco Salamino di Santa Croce, Lambrusco Mantovano, and Colli di Parma. Each variety offers unique flavors, colors, and bouquets that perfectly complement the region’s rich culinary heritage.

Discover the Charm of Lambrusco Wineries

A visit to the prestigious Medici Ermete winery offers a tantalizing glimpse into the world of Lambrusco. Here, you can explore the family’s historic cellar, indulge in a guided tasting, and marvel at the traditional “acetaia” where the region’s prized balsamic vinegar is aged.

For a more authentic experience, venture to the charming Garuti winery in Sorbara. This delightful, family-run estate offers tastings of their award-winning Lambrusco di Sorbara, as well as a heartwarming, home-cooked meal of Emilian specialties.

Finally, treat yourself to the luxury of Opera 02, a chic winery and resort set amidst the scenic Modenese hills. Savor a gourmet meal on the panoramic terrace, overlooking the vineyards, as you sip their exceptional Lambrusco.

Discover Award-Winning Lambruscos to Savor

As you embark on your Lambrusco journey, consider sampling some of the finest, award-winning bottles that showcase the versatility and allure of this effervescent wine. Here are five exceptional styles you must try:

Cantina Sociale di Gualtieri, Il Ligabue, Lambrusco Reggiano Secco, Emilia-Romagna 2021

With a rich and full-bodied character, this Lambrusco features dark berry fruits, floral notes, and violets. It boasts a lovely texture, a long savory aftertaste, and a delightful mousse. Pair it with the right dishes, and you’ll have an unforgettable experience. Alc 11%

Venturini Baldini, Cadelvento Rosé Brut, Lambrusco Reggiano Secco, Emilia-Romagna 2020

This very pale salmon Lambrusco presents a pronounced nose of strawberries and cherries, accompanied by bright acidity, a creamy texture, and a delicate mousse. Its long aftertaste is sure to delight. Alc 12%

Paltrinieri, Solco, Lambrusco dell’Emilia, Emilia-Romagna 2021

With its bubble gum red cherry nose, this Lambrusco offers plenty of dark fruit and cherry notes on the palate. Its engaging and appealing character is complemented by a compelling finish. Alc 10.5%

Vinicola Decordi Del Borgo Imperiale Cortesole, Collezione 21 Extra Dry, Lambrusco dell’Emilia, Emilia-Romagna 2021

This Lambrusco features expressive ripe blackberry and sour plum flavors with a touch of violet. Simple and refreshing, it culminates in a lively finish. Alc 11%

Cantine Ceci, Terre Verdiane 1813 Amabile, Lambrusco dell’Emilia, Emilia-Romagna NV

Showcasing bright dark fruit notes, this refined and easy-drinking Lambrusco serves as an excellent introduction to the world of authentic Lambrusco wines. Alc 8.5%

These five outstanding Lambruscos exemplify the remarkable diversity of this reinvigorated wine variety. As you sample these award-winning bottles, you’ll further appreciate the depth and charm that Lambrusco has to offer, elevating your wine-tasting experience in the enchanting region of Emilia Romagna.

Exploring Emilia Romagna’s Culinary Wonderland

Pair your Lambrusco explorations with a deep dive into the region’s culinary heritage. The bustling towns of Reggio Emilia and Modena are brimming with gourmet emporiums, charming cafés, and exquisite eateries. In Modena, the foodie capital of Emilia Romagna, be sure to visit the stunning cathedral and immerse yourself in the vibrant aperitivo scene.

Sample the region’s finest balsamic vinegar from traditional “acetaia” attics, and indulge in the iconic Parmigiano Reggiano cheese at the Hombre farm and cheesemaking workshop. These culinary delights perfectly complement the effervescent flavors of Lambrusco.

With its revitalized reputation and irresistible charm, there’s never been a better time to embrace Lambrusco. Delve into the alluring world of Emilia Romagna’s food and wine, and discover the magic of Lambrusco for yourself.

A Journey Through Motor Valley

As you sip on Lambrusco and savor the region’s culinary delights, don’t miss the opportunity to explore Emilia Romagna’s Motor Valley. This stretch between Modena and Bologna is home to some of Italy’s most renowned automobile brands.

For car enthusiasts and racing fanatics, a visit to the spectacular Enzo Ferrari Museum in Modena is a must. While sampling Parmigiano at the Hombre farm, take a moment to appreciate the Umberto Panini Collection, a private automotive museum that houses historic Maseratis and other record-breaking cars and motorcycles.

If you’re itching to hit the road yourself, Canossa Events offers guided and independent driving itineraries aboard a range of vehicles, from the zippy Fiat 500 Abarth to a vintage Ferrari. Traverse the picturesque Emilian hills as you immerse yourself in the region’s automotive heritage.

In Conclusion

Emilia Romagna’s Lambrusco revival has ushered in a new era of appreciation for this effervescent wine. The diverse range of Lambrusco varieties, each with its unique characteristics, offers endless opportunities for exploration and enjoyment. Pair your wine journey with the region’s culinary masterpieces, from balsamic vinegar to Parmigiano Reggiano, and experience the true essence of Emilia Romagna.

Whether you’re a wine connoisseur, a food enthusiast, or a car aficionado, Emilia Romagna has something for everyone. As you wander through charming towns, dine in exquisite restaurants, and visit renowned wineries, you’ll undoubtedly fall in love with Lambrusco and the enchanting region that has nurtured its renaissance. So, raise a glass and toast to the vivacious spirit of Lambrusco, the sparkling treasure of Emilia Romagna.
